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AppXite Platform Ideas

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New separate state\country Northern Ireland

Northern Ireland should be segregated as a separate Country/State in our system, according to customer criticism. Currently, there's no such a standalone State as Northern Ireland in our system - only Ireland and UK
Guest over 3 years ago in  1 Not planned

Platform new user registration improvement

Request to improve Sign Up page, for an improved User-friendliness for those who never used the platform before, needs to have the Text "SING UP/REGISTER" in the header. Screenshot attached.
Guest over 3 years ago in  0 Already exists

Sort tags in catalog filters alphabetically

DESCRIPTION: Currently we do not have the function on portal to sort the order of Tags under Filter. Most important is to have the Tags in alphabetical order. All portals would benefit greatly from such functionality, provide a better UI navigatio...
Andis Strazdins over 3 years ago in Self-service for customers 0 Planned

Microsoft PS and SS offers names and descriptions automatic updates

Hi. Please improve Microsoft offer sync API for Perpetual Software and Software Subscriptions to update our data (offer names, descriptions) based on changes in Microsoft APIs.
Diana Bobrova over 3 years ago in Integrations 0 Maybe in future

German Translation of the product description of several Microsoft 365 products

HiI would like to have a German translation of the product description of the following products Microsoft 365 F1 Produktkatalog ( Microsoft 365 E5 Produktkatalog ( Microsoft 365 E3 Produktkatalog ( Microsoft 365 Busi...
Ingo Hampe over 3 years ago in Selling tools for partners 1 In review

Margin as % of difference between cost and SRP

In-Price: 6 EUR SRP: 10 EUR. Margin is 10 - 6 = 4 EUR. As a distributor / seller I can configure to add as a mark-up 50% of margin between SRP and In-price i.e. 6 EUR + 4 EUR * 50% = 8 EUR. Thus in cases where there is 0 difference between in-pric...
Maris Krumins almost 4 years ago in Selling tools for partners 0 Maybe in future