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AppXite Platform Ideas

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Status Maybe in future
Created by Kenneth Brede
Created on Mar 16, 2023

Active users [Adobe]

Hi team,

I would be great to implement the possibility to the assigned subscriptions compared to the total amount of subscriptions a customer has. I believe this information should be available through the Adobe API.

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  • Igor Akulov
    Feb 15, 2024

    Hi Ken,

    I apologize, it seems like I didn't update you on this request after talking to the team last March.

    We agree that showing seat count belongs in our product, and I strongly believe we will implement it for Adobe at some point.

    Right now we focusing on extending support for major business enablers like 3-year commitments, updates for which are coming really soon. Once we've caught up with our plans on what really drives revenue for our customers, we'll likely start improving operational aspects such as this.

    I hope this makes sense.

