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As a self-service functionality distributor admins should have the possibility to extract the report with reseller segments' markups and dates via the UI, edit it and import again.
As a self-service functionality reseller admins should have possibility to extract the report with customers' markups and dates via the UI, edit it and import again.
The extracted report to contain external offer IDs and possibly offer names so it can be worked on against Microsoft or any other Vendors price sheets. It is also important that report would list all offers available in respective catalogue which do not have specified markups at all. As otherwise our partners would not know the internal offer IDs which are required when importing any markups.
Having dedicated reports for such exports is one the option, but there might be other ideas how we want to handle the data import flow.
Customers as such do not have the possibility to extract the prices markups from the UI along with the effectivefrom and effectivetill values.
Whatsoever it would be nearly impossible to create import file for them without knowing Appxite internal IDs for the offers.
As it stands the import file can be prepared by Support by data mining between Excel and database select statements.
New functionality would enable Partners to work with larga data sets of prices without involving Appxite support.