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Status Maybe in future
Created by Guest
Created on Jul 24, 2022

show price of single unit in subsciption details

At the moment, only the total prices a shown, which makes price lookups uttlery painful. You really should add prices for a single item, especially with so many wrong prices still in the system.

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  • Guest
    Aug 3, 2022

    this would be great for us too.

  • Igor Akulov
    Jul 25, 2022

    Hi! You're definitely right. By design we would show unit costs if it wasn't for a part-conceptual, part-technical obstacle. We're planning to solve it in future, but for now it's hard to be specific with when.

    Thanks for submitting, I'll update the status here when things clear up, and you should receive a notification automatically. Thanks again.



Unit Price On Purchase Order

Upon purchasing a subscription customers want to see a breakdown of the price per unit, rather than only Grand total price.
Jevgenija Marakujeva 3 months ago in  0 Maybe in future