Software subscriptions that has one and two different offers, For instance 1 year pack should only have the One-time option to select from and for 3 year pack offer the One-time and Yearly option should stay as is.
almost 3 years ago
in Other
Already exists
Please add "hours" and "man-days" as units to the price form. Some services are sold not in "licences" or "devices", but hours (for example consultations, custom workshops etc.). Thank you.
Martina Formanová
about 3 years ago
in Tools for vendors
Maybe in future
Customer wants to see customer ID information under subscriptions view
We have sellers selling products to MSPs,
These MSPs order and manage multiple rows of the same subscription to different customers but in the marketplace they cannot see what row belongs to each customer.
We need some way of getting that informa...
Northern Ireland should be segregated as a separate Country/State in our system, according to customer criticism. Currently, there's no such a standalone State as Northern Ireland in our system - only Ireland and UK
DESCRIPTION: Currently we do not have the function on portal to sort the order of Tags under Filter. Most important is to have the Tags in alphabetical order. All portals would benefit greatly from such functionality, provide a better UI navigatio...
Seller Segment Category Creation Progress bar on the UI/Confirmation Status
Create a progress bar & steps like percentage based when creating seller segment category on distributor portal.
Current UI behaviour is that the "Save" button just dissapears, leaving the end user with a dashboard without any success message...